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Societal actors
Civil society, Enterprise, Public authorities, Research center, School
Arts, Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship, Earth or Space sciences, Economics, Geography, History, Language, Literature, Maths, Philosophy, Physical education, Physics, Sociology, Technology
Societal challenges
Food quality, Health, Nutrition facts label
Age Group

This school located in Akko, will start a living-lab project focusing on nutrition labels that appear on food packages in Israel by law. The aim of the project is to assess the impact of these labels on the general public awareness and habits regarding healthy eating. In addition, the project addresses the limitations encountered by visually impaired people in reading those labels. A possible result of this project is to propose a solution for such people in a way that will help them keep a healthy diet and consume food products more wisely.

The school community gathers different societal actors:

  • Migdal Or Center (Hebrew for lighthouse), a non-profit organization that serves and rehabilitates people with blindness or visual impairment: the organization will connect the students with some of the kids it serves, and together they will work realize the project.
  • National level food manufacturers: they will share their point of view on the mandatory nutrition labels that need to figure on their products and, for instance, give inputs on how it does affect their products purchase rate and distribution.
  • Ministry of health: Ministry officials will provide background on the issue: the reasons for this legislation, enforcement activity, etc.
  • Technion – Israel Institute of Technology: a nutrition researcher from the Technion will accompany the teachers and students throughout the project


Yair Ben-Horin
National coordinator – ORT Israel