The ORT Danciger school leads a living lab project addressing the honey industry. It aims to introduce the students with beekeeping and the production of honey. The overall goal is to develop a biotechnological product that will facilitate the work of beekeepers or will be benefic for the public.
The students founded five start-up companies and each of them received a beehive. Their task was to initiate research in the field of bees and honey or to invent an innovative product (a food product that does not exist). As part of the project, the students chose to change the nutritional components of the bees in order to produce unique beehive products, to change the venom composition of the bees in order to develop dedicated creams and to develop bee tissue cultures. This activity will be led by a teacher in the school who is also a beekeeper. Along the project, the students are supported by a researcher from the Department of Food Science in Tel-Chai College.
Yair Ben-Horin
National coordinator – ORT Israel