Schools as Living Labs held a roundtable to discuss what policy measures should exist to enable the transition towards more comprehensive, inclusive, and modern education and health systems. The living lab approach is seen as one of the answers by practiTIoners and policy makers across Europe

Supporting and empowering teachers on how to engage relevant stakeholders

In a Living Lab, multiple actors work together to tackle a societal issue and co-create solutions. As science engagement experts, we recognise the importance of giving context for science learning. That’s why the living-lab methodology is promising in the school context. but what is it like for students to work with external stakeholders on real and concrete issues?


The 5th issue of the Open Schooling together newsletter is out! This month we bring you our next edition, where we update you on some of the work we have been doing and share some interesting stories from across Europe: We share a piece by us, Schools As Living Labs, interviewing Claudia Aguirre from Association Traces on […]

Newsletter #4 – Supporting inclusive and engaging STEM education

The 4th issue of the Open Schooling together newsletter is out! In this issue, Prof. Louise Archer, Karl Mannheim Professor of Sociology of Education at University College London, gave us an insightful look at the long-running ASPIRES research project exploring young peoples views of science from 10 until 21 years of age and Maria Xanthoudaki, the director of […]