Newsletter #3 – The actors’ perspective

Remember, with 7 European projects on Open Schooling we decided to join our forces and to create a shared newsletter, so that, it’s easy for you to get updates on innovation in education. The 3rd issue of the Open Schooling together newsletter is now out! Take a look (and don’t forget to subscribe) In this issue, […]

Work in progress: a roadmap for schools

In January 2021, in the midst of a pandemic crisis and when we were all sceptical about the possible results of an online workshop, 30 people from Schools as Living Labs met to dream together a methodology to help schools transforming themselves into agent of the community wellbeing and empowering students so that they start […]

Masterclass #4 – The institution’s perspective

Last January, Schools as living labs partners organised and attended 4 short webinars to build a common culture of living lab methodologies and to try answering a fundamental question: what makes a project a living-lab project?

Masterclass #2 – The student’s perspective

Last January, Schools as living labs partners organised and attended 4 short webinars to build a common culture of living lab methodologies and to try answering a fundamental question: what makes a project a living-lab project?

Masterclass #3 – The designer’s perspective

Last January, Schools as living labs partners organised and attended 4 short webinars to build a common culture of living lab methodologies and to try answering a fundamental question: what makes a project a living-lab project?

Ready to embark on an open schooling journey?

Finding a methodology and tools to introduce and implement an open-innovation method into traditional schools is challenging. SALL reached a milestone by providing adaptable tools and methodology to start the implementation of living labs in schools’ communities.