Innovating European Education upcoming event: Open Schooling as a boost for Europe’s skills

The Horizon 2020 projects Make it Open and SALL, with the support of the OStogether network, are delighted to invite you to their forum: Innovating European Education: Open Schooling as a boost for Europe’s skills. The OStogether network is an informal network of projects funded under calls related to Open Schooling through the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes. The […]

Transforming food waste into valuable products

In Cyprus, many schools involved in the Schools As Living Labs project are really concerned about the amount of food wasted in their communities. With the collaboration of many external partners, they explored, tested and developed interesting alternatives.

Guess who (STE)am I?

In the elementary school Petar Kočić in Inđija, Serbia, students encouraged their older schoolmates to consider STEAM careers through role play. 9 years old data scientist, astrophysicist, and architect? Why not!

A workshop to keep going forward

Students from the Jean Jaures HIgh School in France presented their living lab projects to professionals to keep going forward.

From the school garden to the canteen

Students from the Hénaff high school transformed their schoolyard into an abundant garden. Their harvest of vegetables and herbs now supplies the school canteen.

Fulfilling a sweet dream

‘As teachers, our teaching is limited most of the time to the classroom, to the lab, but the real thing happens outside. In this project, the students learn up close and on the ground. This is much better than trying to learn that in the classroom.’