SALL Summer School 2023

The summer school aims to promote the integration of open schooling and living labs methodology with STEAM Education, allowing STEAM to thrive on a sustainable testing ground that has meaning for the student’s life and helps them to discover STEAM careers.

Schools As Living Labs under the sun

On July 3-8, the Schools As Living Labs project joined forces with the Foodshift2030 project to introduce teachers with innovative learning ways to offer valuable learning experiences for their students.

Open Schooling in the Basque country

The Schools As Living Labs project hosted a national event on Open Schooling in early April in Bilbao with national coordinators from across Europe, STEM teachers and students sharing their experiences and tops and tips when implementing Open Schooling.

Supporting and empowering teachers on how to engage relevant stakeholders

In a Living Lab, multiple actors work together to tackle a societal issue and co-create solutions. As science engagement experts, we recognise the importance of giving context for science learning. That’s why the living-lab methodology is promising in the school context. but what is it like for students to work with external stakeholders on real and concrete issues?